long crescendo - Dynamics - Philipp Dangas

long crescendo - Dynamics

General information about „Dynamics“ [1/4]

The term dynamics in music refers to the different degrees of loudness. They are represented in the basic values f [Italian: forte = "loud"] and p [Italian: piano = "quiet"] and their increases. It concerns the transitions between the different grades. What is meant is that — crescendo and decrescendo — and accentuation (sf [Italian: sforzato/sforzando = "very stressed"]).

But there is a subtle difference between loudness and loudness. An example: a two-bar »c« with the same loudness is of different loudness. Depends on the choice of instrument. Depending on whether the cellos, clarinets or harps play it.

Of course, both phenomena are closely linked. Instrumented crescendos are both loudness and loudness crescendos. The connection between the instrumentation and the dynamics becomes understandable and significant.

2nd part of the contribution „Dynamics“

A long crescendo in the context of „symphonic world music“

The instrumented dynamics are of the utmost importance. The most striking feature of world music is the variety of sounds. This also includes rhythm and dynamics. But we don't want the music that has a direct effect on the vegetative nervous system. In symphonic world music, it is not only indifferent sound formations that are reshaped by dynamics.

Dynamics can also appear as an element that reinforces the structure. It can support the expression of melodic, harmonic and rhythmic progressions. It can also clarify the formal structure.

General information about a long crescendo

A long crescendo is obtained by simultaneously applying dynamic adjustments to the orchestral resources and increasing the number of participating instruments.

After the string orchestra, the brass orchestra is best suited for this. It creates a crescendo of great impact. This can go up to sf [Italian: sforzato/sforzando = "very stressed"].

A long crescendo in the orchestra is achieved by gradually increasing the number of instruments. The following order should be observed: strings, wood and brass.

A long crescendo demonstrated by way of example

In the following example a long crescendo is achieved using the appropriate dynamic designation. Piano is required at the beginning. A few bars further, the volume is gradually increased. The required dynamic adjustment rule is „cresc. poco a poco“.

From bar 67, further instruments are added. Namely woodwind and brass. They also get the cresc instruction. poco a poco prescribed. All instruments in the orchestra reach the climax of the crescendo together in measure 75.

Downloads for the [ Dynamics:  long crescendo ]

Music by Ludwig van Beethoven
Sound file for the score
„7th Symphony - 2nd Movement“ 
Download-size: 544 Kilobytes
PDF file for the score
„7th Symphony - 2nd Movement“ 
Download–size: 205 Kilobytes

Note on the score with an example of a [long crescendo]

Two graphics follow, each with an excerpt from the score. Excerpts from the "7th Symphony, 2nd movement - bars 57-75". Composition by Ludwig van Beethoven. An example of a long crescendo. The graphics can also be enlarged. They are reference-sensitive [clickable].

Example of the overlapping technique Example of the short crescendo