String orchestra - Double bass 4/4 - Philipp Dangas

String orchestra - Double bass 4/4 [ Chord combinations ]

General information about the double bass chord combinations

The sound of the double bass blends in homogeneously with the chords of the string section. A good sound effect is achieved with the viola and the double bass.

Example of the chord combinations [double bass viola]

Dmitri Shostakovich uses the harsh sound of such a chord here. Very effective on the piano as a basis for harmony with a bassoon solo. From the 9th symphony, 4th movement.

Downloads for the [chord combination: double bass viola]

Music by Dmitri Shostakovich
Sound file for the score
[ „9th symphony“ 4th movement ]
Download-size: 1.50 Megabytes
PDF file for the score
[ „9th symphony“ 4th movement ]
Download–size: 42.4 Kilobytes

Note on the score with an example on the [chord combinations]

A graphic with an extract from the score follows. Excerpt from the “9th Symphony 4th movement”. Composition by Dmitri Shostakovich. An example of the [chord combinations] from the double bass with the viola. The graphic can also be enlarged. It is Link-Sensitive [Clickable].

3/4.Example of the sound combinations with the double bass