Trumpet 2/2 - Brass orchestra - Philipp Dangas

Trumpet 2/2 - Brass orchestra [chord combinations]

General information about chord combinations with the trumpet

The formation of chords with trumpets and trombones, is easier to implement. This is due to their distinctive sound relationship. For mixed chords such as For example, in the combination of trumpet, trombone and horn, the sound conditions are much more complicated.

When using a trumpet to form a trombone chord, it is recommended that it be assigned the middle voice. The result is their almost merging into the overall sound.

The use of the trumpet in a chord combination with the woodwinds is only partially possible. The exact adjustment of the dynamics is essential.

Example of a chord combination [ Trumpet - Trombone ]

An example of the trumpet and trombone playing in the highest and high register respectively. The resulting sound can be described as "radiant". Because of the high chord, the tuba is used to execute the fundamental bass.

Downloads for the [ Chord combinations: Trumpet - Trombone ]

Music by Richard Strauss
Sound file for the score „Salome“ 
Download-size: 251 Kilobytes
PDF file for the score „Salome“ 
Download–size: 108 Kilobytes

Note on the score with an example of the [chord combinations]

A graphic with an extract from the score follows. Excerpt from "Salome". Composition by Richard Strauss. An example of the [ chord combinations ] of the trumpet and trombone. The graphic can also be enlarged. It is Link-Sensitive [Clickable].

1/2.Example of the unison combinations with the trumpet