String orchestra basics 1/3 - Philipp Dangas

General information about the string orchestra 1/3

Key data for the string orchestra 1/3

  1. The string orchestra forms the sound and color basis of the classical orchestra.
  2. The string orchestra consists of the 1st and 2nd violin groups, the violas, the cellos and the double basses.
  3. The string orchestra can be notated in 4 staves, since the double bass does not have its own voice (it plays the cello voice).
  4. If the double bass has been assigned its own part, the string orchestra is notated in 5 systems.

The correspondence of the violin parts in the four-part composition

  1. violin group = soprano
  2. violin group = alto
  3. viola = tenor
  4. Cello and double bass = bass

Listing of string instruments

  1. Violins = in treble clef (highest register can use octave marks).
  2. Violas = in the alto clef (C clef on the center line of the staff).
  3. cello = in bass clef; with the large range of the cello of about 3 ½ octaves, it is replaced upwards by the treble clef or by the delivery "loco", i.e. as the notes following the bass or tenor clef should be written in the treble clef.
  4. Double bass = in the bass clef.

Score for a classical orchestra

The illustration of a classical orchestral score can be enlarged. They are Referral-Sensitive [Activatable]

A score (Italian: partitura = "division") is the summary of a composition or an arrangement. All individual voices are arranged one below the other.

Learn more about the score arrangement. It is mostly written or printed on paper. Scores are also used to store music in a reproducible manner.

2/3.Example for string orchestra