Construction and function of the Harp - Philipp Dangas

Construction and function of the Harp

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Components of the harp in small representation

The harp has the shape of a triangle and consists of the following main parts:

1st foot (pedestal or pedal set)
the instrument stands on it and at the same time contains the pedals.
2. Resonance box (body)
it is about 1.25 m to 1.50 m long and widens from top to bottom. A strip of hard wood runs down the middle to which the strings are attached.
3.Neck (upper leg of the triangle)
on it are the tuning pegs for attaching and tensioning the strings and the turntables for changing the tuning.
4.Barón rod (front rod)
connects the neck to the pedestal. Absorbs the tension of the strings.
A very nice sample of the harp sound
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Key data of the harp in tabular form
Component Description
Pedal box In this are the 7 pedals used (each pedal has 3 steps), which are operated with the feet.
Resonance box The lower leg of the triangle, also called sound box.
Neck The upper limb of the triangle.
Front bar Connects the neck to the pedestal and is also called barón bar.
Strings Elastic body that is stretched. By plucking it is set in motion and made to sound.