String orchestra - Violin 3/3 - Philipp Dangas

String orchestra - Violin 3/3 [ Chord combinations ]

General information about chord combinations

A polyphonic string section is only possible with the help of the "divisi" (division) of the string group or the individual violin and viola groups. All so-called 1st players in the group, i.e. all players sitting on the right of the desk, lead the upper "divisi" vote.

The so-called 2nd players of the group, i.e. the players sitting on the left, perform the lower "divisi" part. In the case of more than two-part "divisi", the players agree on the division. The leader of the group can also order the division.

Another possibility is the division of the string parts by desk, which the instrumentalist must specify exactly.

Example of the chord combinations [strings-wind instruments]

The triple fingerings are only effective in f [forte = "loud"] or sf [sforzato = "with sudden emphasis"], although it is almost always advisable to use the wind instruments to support them. In pizzicato they are also effective in piano or mf [mezzoforte = "moderately loud"] with/without a combination with wind instruments.

Downloads for the chord combinations: strings-winds

Sound file for the score "La Cabane…"
Download-size: 92 Kilobytes
PDF file for the score "La Cabane …"
Download–size: 117 Kilobytes

Note on the score with an example on the [chord combinations]

Two graphics with a score excerpt follow. Excerpt from the score "La Cabane sur des Pattes de poulle" from Pictures at an Exhibition. Composition by Modest Moussorgsky. An example of the [chord combinations] of the violin with the woodwinds. The graphics can also be enlarged. They are Link-Sensitive [Clickable].

to the sound combinations with the violin 2/3